We aim to make good, sustainable business decisions, to benefit our company, stakeholders and the communities where we operate. Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy is focused around four main areas: people, the environment, integrity and our local community.
We develop competency and people – our employees are our best assets. We are committed to equal opportunity and non-discrimination, and we encourage an open and honest working culture
We believe that every individual shall experience respect, justice and care.
We understand that each industry can have significant impact on the environment, and we will strive to minimize our environmental footprint through our operations. Sustainable management is essential to the future of our company and industry, thus we work to create environmental friendly alternatives by preferring our Supply Chain partners who are using environment friendly policies and are already ISO 14001 approved.
We encourage transparency in all of our business and fully adhere to a high standard of business ethics, and comply with both our own governance principles and those of our customers and suppliers.
We aim to benefit the local communities where we operate by ensuring local employment, knowledge transfer and economic growth. Our most direct contribution is through hiring local personnel, sponsorships of activities and clubs for children and youth in our communities.